Eardownes Great

AKA Buncarrick Standing Stone

This huge block of granite stands 1.43 metres high and leans towards the northeast. The base of the stone is rectangular with a worked shoulder at the west. The top of the west side is also damaged. The irregular shaped monolith is aligned ENE-WSW. It is not unusual to see standing stones in old graveyard but this cemetery is very modern. Glebe standing stone in Monamolin is another example of a Wexford megalith standing in a graveyard. About 150 metres southwest of here is Our Lady's Well.

Situated: Head south from Wexford on the N11. After Tagoat take a right turn for Carne Beach. After passing Our Lady's Island you will come to Buncarrick Cemetery.

Discovery Map 77: T 1123 0750. Last visit Jan 2015.

Longitude: 6° 22' 22" W

Latitude: 52° 12' 29" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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